Professional development for teachers

Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place.

School staff play an important role in supporting students’ sense of belonging. Prioritising high-quality and respectful teacher-student relationships leads to the creation of supportive and caring classrooms – where everyone is respected and treated fairly. When teachers create a positive learning environment, it helps students feel like they belong and reduces the occurrence of negative behaviours such as bullying.

As teachers a key element of our professional practice is to create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments for all students. Students who experience a caring, safe and nurturing school environment, where they feel they belong, have a strong foundation to achieve their academic and social emotional potential.

Panel discussion

Fostering inclusive schools to prevent bullying

An engaging 26-minute recording where panel members delve into the vital role of belonging in preventing bullying in schools. Among the expert panellists, Kyanna, representing the National Student Voice Council, offers valuable insights, sharing the student perspective on what it truly means to belong.

Ways teachers can support students to feel they belong

  • Fostering relationships between students
  • Employing teaching practices that encourage students to participate in the classwork
  • Providing dedicated opportunities for pastoral support
  • Supporting positive child-family relationships
  • Providing activities where students have ownership of their learning
  • Interacting positively with all students
  • Engaging with families
  • Getting to know your students

More information

Unpack what school belonging means and discover evidence-based practical actions you can do in your school to create a positive sense of belonging.

Visit Bullying No Way to access other professional development related to bullying prevention.